
Farming Family

Friday, April 25, 2014


The real meaning of Easter: Resurrection Sunday

 Aunt Kaelie was visiting! She read Jackson his new pop-up book.
 He LOVED Gramp Osgood's ice cream!

One happy, chubby baby!

Burning Brush and Visiting

My siblings came over to spend a couple nights! We had lots of fun!
Aunt Ladybug and Jackson
 Poopie treed a cat

 Burning some brush
 The supervisors
 Warming up after s'mores!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Technical issues

Trying to get a post up. Photos aren't loading onto the post draft for some reason, probably this old computer lol. Hope to give you something new soon!

Monday, April 21, 2014

You Know You're A Mother When...

You forget how hot a fresh cup of coffee used to be and you burn your mouth. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Four Months

Jackson had his four month appointment. He is healthy and weighs 16lbs 6 oz. Now he can have baby food.

Here is his first time eating baby food!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Look Who Slept Through The Night!

Saturday night after bath time, I tucked "Big Boy" in at 8:00 p.m. and he went right to sleep. He didn't wake up until 6:00 a.m.! I woke up in the middle of the night to check on him and make sure he was still breathing lol. Then last night he did it again. I'd like to think he is settling into a new schedule, but I don't want to get my hopes up :).
   He likes to sit in his walker, but his feet don't touch the floor yet, even on the lowest setting! But it makes ''driving'' him around easy, because we don't have to watch out for his feet.

Jackson is definitely a Daddy's boy. He loves hanging out with Darlin. Here he is, listening to a little ''pickin' and grinnin'".

Here Darlin was playing for him while I fed goats and chickens. Big Boy drifted off so he stopped playing.  He woke up right away and started crying! Darlin started playing again and he fell back asleep. So Cute!
A few days ago I let the dog out and couldn't find her a couple hours later. It was one of the first days I let all the chickens out. We had problems with her and chickens in Fall 2012 and Spring 2013. She would kill them and lug them all over the yard. Anyway, so I went out looking and this is what I found:

She was just hanging out! I'm so proud of her!

This is my recent order from co-op (Associated Buyers):
Organic whole wheat bread flour, organic unbleached white flour and organic evaporated cane sugar.

Great-Grammie Osgood and Big Boy at union meeting in Wytopitlock last night.

Hope you all have a great day! Enjoy watching the snow disappear!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Bucket Clothes Washer

This would have been nice to have the week that we were out of electricity back in December! Or when my washer died last March! I like this idea, could also use it for cloth diapers. It's a lot cheaper than buying an old ringer washer.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Starting Seeds

Yay! The snow is melting, the sun is shining warmly, and of course, the mud is appearing. But hey, I'll take the mud at this point, and with a smile, despite having a white kitchen floor lol. I'm so sick of snow! The snow has stayed later this year than last year, we won't be able to get our garden in as early. The ground will be too wet for a while, I'm guessing.
  I started some seeds indoors. I'm planting only heirlooms this year.
*Tomatoes: Amish paste and Cour di Bue
*Egg Plant
*Brussels Sprouts
*Kohlrabi Cabbage

I will have to get started pepper plants, I was too late to start them this year.

Bath time last night...
                                                "Hey, what are you looking at? Don't make me come over there!"
Check out the tuft of hair on top!
 Play time!

Homemade 7 grain bread

 Another double yolker! Those hens are awesome!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

There's Corn Syrup In My Yogurt!

The last time I bought groceries, I picked up a few single serving yogurt cups. I opened one yesterday and started eating it. I thought it tasted pretty weird. So I looked at the ingredients to see what was in it. Milk was listed first, (pasteurized and homogenized of course) followed by HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP! Then, a few ingredients later, CORN SYRUP. That would lead someone to believe that it was added for sweetness. But sugar was ALSO LISTED. So, I've gotta ask; What in the world is corn syrup doing in yogurt?!?

Yogurt is supposed to be:

  • Whole, raw milk  
  • Yogurt culture (lactic bacteria) 
And that's the basics. Then you could add pure vanilla, or lemon, and for sweetener, honey.
  No need for corn syrup, sugar, yellow5 or anything of that nature. Eew. I can't wait for my goat to have kids this Spring so I can have fresh milk!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Children, or Chickens??

Chickens are crammed into factories by the thousands in America. Where they are all expected to produce the same, they even look alike. They are bred and medicated for the maximum production of meat, and manipulated by lighting to lay more and more eggs. Their beaks are cut off to prevent them from pecking each other to death, which is what happens when you pack them into little wire cages. They are not permitted to express their natural 'chickeness' or individuality. Disease runs rampant in such settings. When they do not produce to specified 'standards', they are considered 'deficient', and are culled from the system.

  So, America, are we raising children, or chickens?