
Farming Family

Friday, March 10, 2017

~5 Years~

 Five years ago today I married my bestest friend! What an awesome time it has been, sharing this journey through life together! It has been filled with lots of love and lots of laughter. Trials and triumphs. Hard times and plenty. We have two beautiful boys. And at the end of the day, we are still holdin' hands and sippin' tea. I would not trade one minute of it for anything thing else in this world.

 Becky, maid of honor
 The older bro's
 Sharp bunch of fellas
 Sister Mary
 Sister-in-love Kaelie
 Grammie Osgood
 Sister flower girls: Hannah, Ruth, Lydia. Brother ring barer; Sai
 Gampie Aldrich
 Five years ago, all my younger siblings were still shorter than me!

And of course, these two songs are sure to be a repeat post on here. I'm sure you'll all get sick of them, but I won't!

Our first Dance...

Our other favorite:


  1. Happy Anniversary❤ I will be up your way this weekend!

  2. Happy Anniversary! I love the pictures! The little girls are so cute!!!

    1. Thank you! Isn't it crazy the difference 5 years makes?!

  3. Happy Anniversary! I love the pictures! The little girls are so cute!!!

  4. We love Alan Jackson and that song you chose! He grew up in Newnan, Georgia near where we lived. Most business was done in Newnan. We are big fans of him and y'all too! Love, Lyn

  5. Happy Anniversary! To a wonderful couple may the Lord Bless You and your two boys. He sure has blessed me having you both in are life.
