Ain't I cool??
Enjoying the fresh air while everyone is outsideFooling around
Natural homemade ''bug dope''
About 1/8-1/4 cup olive oil, few drops of eucalyptus and citronella oils. If I had lemongrass oil I would have added that too. Stir it together and apply with hands in a thin layer. I used this on Big Boy. It really works! No deet needed!
Shade, and bug protection
He was singing to himself and showing off his belly, so cute!
Raised beds out of hemlock, 4'x8'.
Without the tractor this year, Darlin is making the beds for easier planting/maintenance. We do want/need to get another tractor soon!
Faithful friend, enjoying the shade.
Fresh air makes for good snoozing.
Generous hens.
Staining the chicken tractor/egg mobile
What a day!