~Glad you stopped in! This is my little corner online where I jot down my thoughts and the happenings of the day at our farm. I hope you enjoy your stay. May The LORD richly bless you!!

Farming Family
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
I'm Losing It
It is only December. We just started getting snow. And I've already got cabin fever! That makes for a LONG Winter!
In the early morning, sitting by the stove in my rocker, drinking coffee, I find my mind wandering to thoughts of Spring. I blame the seed catalogs!! LOL. I keep thinking about what new plants I want to try, things I want to do differently (like keep a garden journal, to start with!). And how good fresh turned sod smells. Then I think about peepers in the pond. I love peepers! And how nice it is to hang out laundry on the line, and how fresh it smells. And how awesome the song birds sound just before dawn! And watching the chickens scratching around in the dirt, looking for tasty treats. Oh, yes. I've got it BAD!
How will I ever live through to Spring?! LOL.
Have a good day y'all! God Bless!
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
A Secret...
Good morning everyone! I am excited to tell you I'm working on a little secret surprise to share with you! I can't spoil it though. I think many of you will like it, so stay tuned!
It is hard to believe that my youngest sister was wearing this snowsuit when Darlin' and I were dating! It fits Big Boy perfectly this year!
It is hard to believe that my youngest sister was wearing this snowsuit when Darlin' and I were dating! It fits Big Boy perfectly this year!
What a face! I guess he can't wait for the surprise either!
Let's see....what's been going on around here? Well, we got some hay on Saturday. Our Taurus is in the shop, again. We have decided that once the inspection runs out in April, we will retire the car. It's been a good little car. We've had it for over 3 years now. It's a 2003. We bought it from a private owner for $2,300 and it had 83,000 miles on it at the time. Up until recently, it has been very reliable. What I liked most about it is that we didn't have a car payment. I'm more of the "cash on the barrel" type, and I hate having loans. It still isn't a bad car, but the body is wearing out. That's the biggest pain about Maine Winters. I don't mind the snow nearly as bad as I mind the fact that we have to salt the roads. It is hard on vehicles. Car washes are a must! Even then, the salt eventually always wins in the end. We've never had a vehicle that the motor went before the body did.
What else is going on...? Oh! We now have two calves. One heifer and one bull. If I could just remember to take the camera out to the barn with me I could share some pictures before they are all grown up!
I've done a little Christmas decorating. I still have some lights to put up. Big Boy is really excited for a Christmas tree! We will get one this weekend. He did some sliding with Daddy yesterday and loved every minute of it!
Little Boy is walking all over the place! And talking up a storm! Next Summer he will be tromping through the garden with me instead of watching from the stroller!
Which reminds me. I think when I find some time (somewhere, LOL) I will make my seed order out. I've already been getting seed catalogs in the mail. I want to set out a new garden plan though. I'm going to move some things around , which, you are supposed to rotate anyway. For example, for the last two years, I've plated Jack-Be-Littles in the raised beds on a trellis. Next year I will not plant anything on a vine in the raised beds. They somewhat take over, and make it hard to get to anything else without damaging the vines. Carrots, on the other hand, did extremely well in the raised beds. This was the first year that I've had good luck with carrots. Planting them straight in the ground doesn't turn out so well for me. Oh, it probably would, if I mixed sand in the soil like you're supposed to. 😉 And maybe I'll do just that next year. I did find out, however, that I need to plant MANY more carrots than I did this season. I thought I had A LOT. Then I washed, peeled and blanched them. I ended up with only 3-1/2 pints. Not nearly enough for us. That's just a snack! I also am going to order all heirloom seeds, because I want to start saving my own seeds. It saves money, and I think it would be neat to plant the following year seeds that I've saved myself. It's sustainable.
Anyway, life is calling. I will come back to "see" you tomorrow!
Friday, December 2, 2016
Mama's Little Helpers
Learning how to fold washcloths. Big Boy was so proud to be "helping" with the laundry. After we were done folding, I put all his socks in one of the little baskets and he carried it to his room and put his socks away. He was so cute!
I hope you have an awesome Friday! Don't forget to slow down enough to take joy in the little things!
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