
Farming Family

Thursday, August 23, 2012

This is WAR!!!

That's it! I've had it and I'm packing!!! (packing my dishes that is) Ok, so here's the scoop; I have this little problem when it comes to my dishes. I like to call it procrastination, however, it may more accurately be labeled -Laziness-. Whichever the case, it has come to an end!  So, Joe and I tend to grab a glass out of the cabinet every time we want a drink, (hey, who has time to look for that glass they left in the other room? Lol) If there were only, say four in there, we would have to look for our last drinking vessel, right? That means even if we dirtied every one we had I still would only be washing four at the end of the day. Genius!!!! *ahem* I've boxed up all but four coffee cups, glasses, large and small plates. You wouldn't believe the room in my cupboards now!!! I can safely open a door with out first trying to remember if my life insurance policy covers death from clutter, or if it would be considered suicide! After all, in all seriousness here, Less is More right?

AAAhhhhhh! isn't that better?!

Well, that's all for now, I'm gonna make lasagna for supper. Future post: Things I've learned.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! nice job! Now come do it at our house!lol
    Our life insurance doesn't cover being smothered by crud, as mom says!:P
