~Glad you stopped in! This is my little corner online where I jot down my thoughts and the happenings of the day at our farm. I hope you enjoy your stay. May The LORD richly bless you!!

Farming Family
Thursday, March 28, 2013
New Idea!!
Hey, I just got a new idea for my bathroom floor! I'll paint it, duh! Way simpler and cheaper. Less mess and aggravation! I will paint it a dark gray in high gloss for easy upkeep. It only took me TWO DAYS to think of this! (a little slow, maybe lol). Ok, I'm good now hehe.
Bathroom Progress
Yay! I have been saving some pennies and tomorrow when I get groceries, I will also get:
So, that is what is on my mind today. I can't wait to get started!!!!! I'll update with pictures when I can.
- Paint-in shades of green and brown
- paint roller and tray
- stencils (hopefully, if I find something I like)
- a stand for towels
- "Earth" color shower curtain and such
- decorative stones, candles
- adhesive hooks
- containers for under the sink
- towels
- a plant or two
So, that is what is on my mind today. I can't wait to get started!!!!! I'll update with pictures when I can.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Perfectionism/Neat Freak gene: A gift, or a curse?
If you are like me, you know what I'm talking about. Things bug you. The paper on the table, the water stains on the steel toaster, fingerprints on the fridge handle, shopping with out a list, or a plan. And, if you are like me, you probably get that sick feeling when someone shows up at your house; unannounced. Don't get me wrong. This can be a very good thing. If you are the type of person who usually has it together, it can be a great gift. It is a gift to make a home beautiful and relaxing for yourself, and anyone who may enter. There is nothing wrong with being organized, being able to find things when you need them. Having things neat and pleasant. However, it can drive you crazy. If you are like me, then sometimes this "need" to have things in their places, and to have surroundings that look like Better Homes and Gardens clippings, can cause way more stress than tranquility. If left unchecked, this compulsiveness can make you grumpy, stressed out, tired, anxious, even depressed. Also, people who are perfectionists, are more likely not to do anything if they know the out come will not be perfect, will not stay neat very long, or that they will not be able to finish the task then. If you constantly let "things" bother you, you will NEVER be happy. I understand people like you, I know how you feel. On days when the house is cluttered, and you get to town and don't have your list, and your lasagna didn't turn out just right, you feel like the walls are closing in on you. You are stressed and feel like a failure. All of a sudden, the clutter in the house seems to be seriously incapacitating you mentally. It is not a pretty picture, am I right? But I do like the feeling of a job well done. At the end of the day, when chores are done, the house is in order and things went rather smoothly, it gives me a peaceful, happy feeling. And no, everything is never all done at the same time. But, on days when it seems almost perfect, or even pretty good, it makes me ecstatic. On days when it is less, I have learned to take a deep breath, and let it go. After all, the good things in this life are time with friends and family, watching a thunderstorm, playing games, puppy kisses, flowers, cheesecake and such. So to sum it all up; If you are like me, embrace your gift, but don't let it rob you of joy in simple things either.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
If you give a pig a pancake...
Yes, this pig is in my house.
Yes, this pig is eating slop out of my *good* cake pan. And yes, this pig has a heat lamp.
This is the pig that we got at the auction on Monday. She was shivering and nothing seemed to warm her up. Darling did some research and found that she may have pneumonia or meningitis. She has already had 3 or 4 doses of penicillin. She has her appetite back and is drinking water. Her shivering has also almost completely stopped. This also could have been from an ear infection. But, nonetheless, this pig is living it up in my cellar. If I start shivering, I wonder if my dishes will get washed, dried and put away....? Ha, ha! Anyway... So, today went by fairly quickly. I spent a couple hours cleaning my car, visited at my parents house, cleaned out my rabbit hutch, and did two loads of laundry. Now, I will clean the house until I want to go to bed. On that note, I think I will sign off, now that I need to find a new hobby, as no one will ever eat my cakes again.
:-) Good night all!
Yes, this pig is eating slop out of my *good* cake pan. And yes, this pig has a heat lamp.
This is the pig that we got at the auction on Monday. She was shivering and nothing seemed to warm her up. Darling did some research and found that she may have pneumonia or meningitis. She has already had 3 or 4 doses of penicillin. She has her appetite back and is drinking water. Her shivering has also almost completely stopped. This also could have been from an ear infection. But, nonetheless, this pig is living it up in my cellar. If I start shivering, I wonder if my dishes will get washed, dried and put away....? Ha, ha! Anyway... So, today went by fairly quickly. I spent a couple hours cleaning my car, visited at my parents house, cleaned out my rabbit hutch, and did two loads of laundry. Now, I will clean the house until I want to go to bed. On that note, I think I will sign off, now that I need to find a new hobby, as no one will ever eat my cakes again.
:-) Good night all!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Protein Shake
I almost forgot to post the protein shake I drink after I work out. I have been working out before breakfast, so I actually have the shake for my breakfast.
In a blender:
In a blender:
- 1-1/3 cups skim milk
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 spinach cube
- small frozen beets (when I thinned the beets last year, I froze them)
- 1 TBSP all natural peanut butter
- 2 ice cubes
It's 5a.m., there is one load of laundry in the dryer, Darling is off to work, the bed is made and all the clean dishes are put away. Yesterday I made it my goal to do ALL the laundry, to the point of almost stripping socks off Darling to wash them. I was able to hang nearly all the "hang-up" clothing in the closet, but I need more hangers! (I just opened 20 yesterday!) I got the cleaning bug awful yesterday, and thankfully it is still here. We all have days when we don't feel like doing our work (right?) but we have to do it anyway. I confess, I don't always make myself do house work when I don't feel like it, and I pay for it later. And sometimes, it is just so much easier to clean when the husband is off to work, or what have you (am I right, ladies?). I like to put my music on, Classic country radio on http://www.pandora.com/ and get to work. I'm not sure why it is easier for me to stay focused while listening to music, it always has been that way. Because, I don't just listen to the music, my mind goes in all directions, from what's next on my to-do list, to the new recipe I want to try, etc.
Also, something new I have been doing is a workout DVD by Jillian Michaels. I have not been out jogging or anything since the weather was nice and warm, I am such a wimp when it comes to being cold! But, I used to run every morning, even before work and I always felt way better. I had more energy, and I was happier! (Exercise must do something good for your brain/emotions, or, I'm just weird lol) Anyway, I am also more motivated and am able to maintain better (not perfect lol) self-discipline, which means-I do better at keeping up with my chores! The work out is something I can do right from my warm living room. All you need is a mat and a couple of weights, which I lucked out because I already had those items. Don't you think they might want to mention that on the DVD box?? So, for thirty minutes a day, I can feel better and be more productive and more pleasant to be around lol.
I was wondering, June Bug (my dog) has an awful mess of burdocks in her tail. I can't just pick them out. I was thinking of rubbing some olive oil in her tail to get them out. Does anyone have any suggestions?
To Days' Goals
- scrub the kitchen floor
- work on putting together the home office
- make supper
- clean kitchen windows
- Go to town
- give dog a bath
- vaccume out the car
window sills! Plus, if you have one of those sweaters that is too embarrassing to wear because of the lint and hair that refuses to wash out, you can put it on and just suck it all off!!! Total cost of this new form of sanity? $15. I just don't know how long it will last yet, as I've only had it a couple of weeks. But so far I'm tickled pink!
Supper Menu Tonight
Ham steaks
Whipped mashed potatoes
garden peas in a pod
iced tea
Well, that's all for today. Hope you all enjoy your day!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Li'l Critters
Darling got some piglets! They are so cute!
He got nine of them. He is filling some orders as well as a couple for us.
There are five more tiny, wean-lings coming in three weeks.
Can you see the smallest one on the bottom, right corner? He is smart, and warm!
Baby bunnies! These little guys are only two weeks old!This is "Aunt" Rita
Mama rabbit, Pepper.
Checking on the little rascals. (Not sure why this came out sideways?)
So, so little! Isn't he absolutely adorable?!!!!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
One year already (March 10th)
Crazy! (My little brother made our matching hats)
Bridal shower
Decorated altar. Simplicity.
With this ring...First kiss as Mr. and Mrs.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
The visit
Good morning. Juice stained smiles and all...
Cozy. Sleepy.
Whipped cream by the spoonful.
Darling made bacon.*Awwah*
And hatching play dough eggs.
Lady Bug
Making the sliding hill
Lady Bug and Zebra
Darling and Zebra getting ready to go down!
Wipe Out!
Inside side for lunch. Macaroni and cheese *Mmmmm*
At the end of another fun day. Tuckered, and all tucked in. Good night!
Cozy. Sleepy.
We had a little visitor in the middle of the night...
Cute little feet, but then again, not so cute. Zippy set some traps yesterday, which were cleverly avoided.
Drinking cocoa, waiting for breakfast.
Whipped cream by the spoonful.
Mmmmm, coffee.
Catching up on the news.
Time for grub!
Chocolate chip pancakes.Darling made bacon.*Awwah*
Play dough creations.
Fried eggs.And hatching play dough eggs.
Then it was outdoors to play in the snow.
My DarlingLady Bug
Making the sliding hill
Lady Bug and Zebra
Darling and Zebra getting ready to go down!
Wipe Out!
Inside side for lunch. Macaroni and cheese *Mmmmm*
Next, before supper, feeding the hounds...
Darling's little helpersAt the end of another fun day. Tuckered, and all tucked in. Good night!
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