I am not one to collect stamps, or magazines, or bottle caps. In fact, I never really thought I collected
anything. But, as I was washing the dishes the other day (as there was a *small* pile up of them), it hit me. I
do collect something. Coffee Cups. I have special memories attached to some little mugs that hold my favorite hot beverage. Here is (I think,) all of the special ones. 7 cups.
The strawberry one is the first one I think I collected. My Aunt gave me a set of dishes, and the cool part? They were just like the first set of dishes my Mom had when she and Dad got married! I kept them in my hope chest and now that I'm married, I use them. One coffee cup that would probably be next is my goat breed coffee cup. I got it when I ordered meds and things for my beloved pet goats one time. It broke a couple years ago.(I used it ALL the time lol). Next is the Saddle Back mug Darling got me (then new boyfriend) when he went skiing with his cousins, the Keagans. Then the red one. My godmother Aunt Jane bought us four of these pretty mugs in my favorite color as a wedding/first home gift.

Then the IHOP mug. Darling and I got it at IHOP(International House of Pancakes) in Portland one month after we got married. We went to a Family Life Weekend Getaway for couples. It was the first place we had breakfast. The conference was great! We learned tools for marriage, such as communication and how to resolve the conflicts that come with sharing your lives together in marriage. And the white mug. I found it at a thrift store and fell in love with it. It has pretty flowers on it and it was only .05cents!!!!

The brown mug is from the Senator's Inn in Augusta. Darling took me there for our first year anniversary last month and we had a lovely dinner in the Inn's restaurant. I liked the mug so much I asked the waiter if they sold them. He said he would have to check. Apparently, no one had asked to buy one before lol. He came back and said "how about four dollars?" I said sure and here it is. The tin enamel one is my latest addition. I got it this past Wednesday when Darling took me to the Amish store in Smyrna, I had never been there before. It was so nice! They had skylights and propane lights (no electricity) and neat things like big mixing bowls, utensils, cheese, old fashioned candy, flour, seasonings and so on.
So, that is my collection that I didn't realize I had going. I hope you have a good day!