
Farming Family

Monday, April 1, 2013

It was supposed to rain today...

APRIL FOOLS! God really must have a sense of humor. I remember one year, we literally got a blizzard on April 1st.
 There was a change of plans. Something came up and I have not yet gotten the supplies for my bathroom :-( I've been busy working this week, and had to work Easter!!! But next week things will calm down and hopefully I can finish my bathroom. Also, we are dog sitting for some friends while they are away. This dog is an American Bull dog, and her name is Izzy (but everyone calls her Fat Turd). Turd and June play constantly, to the point where sometimes I have to separate them for sanity's sake lol. Today is going to be a day of catching up on laundry and dishes. I work twelve hour shifts and really don't want to do house work when I come home at night lol.  This is the Turd. Cute, isn't she?
 Well, I think I will make a cup of tea and get my work around the house done. I can't wait for the snow to go away!!! I'm so sick of the snow and the cold. It was over 50 degrees yesterday and today it is snowing! Winter does not want to let go!
Have a good day all! 

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