
Farming Family

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


While I type this, I am sitting in the safety of my home, knowing my loved ones are safe. In Oklahoma, parents watched helplessly in horror as the hurricane ruthlessly made its way toward schools, day cares, and their homes, some still not knowing if their children are alive. Tonight, I also had a hot meal. In Oklahoma, people are sifting through what's left of their homes, wondering when they will have their next meal, how they will feed their children. I have a warm, dry bed to sleep in tonight. Some of these folks don't even have a car left to sleep in. I have clean clothes to wear tomorrow. They have the clothes on their backs. I get to see my husband come home from work, and give me a kiss. Some husbands and wives are now left behind, never to hold each other through this terrible time, or the good times to come-and don't have any photos left of their true loves to carry with them. Parents lost children. Our child is safely tucked away, growing inside me. As I sit here, I feel a little guilty. Because some of these people have lost EVERYTHING, and I am so blessed. There are trailer trucks headed out with supplies, food, water. The Red Cross is in action. Fellow Americans are wrapping victims in blankets, and offering comfort. Those of us at home can help too. We can pray, donate funds, supplies and blood.
     This terrible ordeal has reminded me to keep in touch with family. To thank the Lord for each day He gives me with Darling, for our home, baby, food, clothing, vehicles and animals... How about you?

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