
Farming Family

Friday, September 6, 2013

Cleaning your keyboard

I've been meaning to thoroughly clean the keyboard lately, because it disgusts me. So today, that was one of my projects. Yeah, I knew the keys were sticky from various substances, but I was not expecting what I found after I got going.
Tools used:

  • Microfiber cloth
  • Toothbrush
  • "Bottle brush"
  • Home made disinfectant
  • Digital camera
  • Butter knife
To start, I took clear pictures of the keys to make putting it back together easier. Next, I used the butter knife to carefully pop the keys off, one section at a time. When I popped off the ones in the center, this is what I found:

Eew!!!!!!!! Now that's just gross! So, then using the tooth brush and mini bottle brush, I brushed out all the dirt, fuzzies and hair. Next, I sprayed the disinfectant on the cloth and wiped it down, in all the crevasses and in between where each key goes. Then came the ultimate tedious part; wiping each and every key, on all sides and putting them back where they belonged. I kid you not, this whole process took me and hour and a half to complete. But as you can see from the pictures, it was clearly time to do so. I would also like to say, that this lovely chore is one I am only going to do during "spring cleaning", as it is not high on my priority list. 
A couple notes:*It would be helpful and make the job a little easier if you use some compressed air to aid in the dirt and hair removal.
*A couple times a month, during your cleaning routine, would be a good time to wipe down the surface of the keys and blast with compressed air to keep it clean and prevent build up like in the above photo.
*Once a week, or even more often, you will want to disinfect the keyboard, as well as the mouse, speaker knobs, etc. Basically all your points of contact where germs collect. I read online somewhere that your keyboard contains more germs than the handle on your toilet, yikes!
*Home made disinfectant: 50/50 water and rubbing alcohol. Shake gently to mix, pour into a clean spray bottle and you're good to go!

   What's in your keyboard???


  1. Cool post. One thing I learned in my computer classes is that the average keyboard has more germs than your toilet. Yuck!

  2. Isn't that gross?! Maybe that's where I heard it, from you lol. It was a long time ago, I know that haha. Did you learn a faster way to do it?? I couldn't believe how long it took me, I'd almost pay someone else to do it for me!

  3. Bottle brush I'll never be able to use again-4$
    toothbrush I'll throw away-1$
    microfiber cloth-1$
    can of air- 4$

    Buy a new computer keyboard for 10$ and save my hour or so of time?
    (you are braver than I am!)
