~Glad you stopped in! This is my little corner online where I jot down my thoughts and the happenings of the day at our farm. I hope you enjoy your stay. May The LORD richly bless you!!

Farming Family
Friday, March 11, 2016
~Bloggers Beware P.S.~
My photos are your photos. If you would like to use pictures on my blog you may freely and safely do so with out fear of this ridiculous sue-scandal bologna. Have a good day and blog safe!
~Bloggers Beware!~
I felt it my duty to pass along this shocking and important message to all of you, IF YOU HAVE A BLOG, PLEASE, PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO, IT IS VITAL!!!!:
Thursday, March 10, 2016
~4 Wonderful Years~
Four years ago today, I married my best friend. In a way the years seem to fly by, on the other hand, it feels like we've always been together. We've been through miscarriages, job loss, 91 day NICU stay, tough financial times, hydrocephalus with Little Boy, livestock tragedies, and more.
But there has been the good stuff too...the joys of raising our two little boys, the smiles, giggles, funny antics, the awe they have for the ''common things'' that make us ''grown ups'' slow down and remember what it was like to be little and care free.
Darlin' is a man of which I am not deserving, truly. He is patient, loving, honest, kind and funny. He is faithful and he is always there when things are hard to handle. He loves his boys and loves to play with them and make them laugh. He is helpful to me at home. The most attractive thing about him, I honestly have to say is his love for our LORD. He is a man after God's own heart. It is important to him to be in the Word every day. He has spent countless hours working to "hide the Word in his heart" through memorization and reflection. He takes being his family's spiritual leader seriously, reading the Word and edifying books to us at supper. Praying with us and for us. Studies theology, listens to my questions and shows me where to find the answers. He is always learning and seeking to please God in all aspects of his life.
I love him so much, he is my true love.
I love this song.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Thought Of The Day
~Take a minute to contemplate the Holiness of God. He is so holy, He cannot even look at sin ("You who are of purer eyes than to see evil and cannot look at wrong, why do You idly look at traitors and remain silent when the wicked swallows up the man more righteous then he?" Habakkuk 1:13) He cannot look at it. And here we are, sinning every day. It is amazing that, through Christ, we, retched creatures, may "...come boldly to the throne of grace..." (Hebrews 4:16) Just the fact that we have the privilege to even utter a word to the most Holy God... Wow.~
My pansies are popping up! I left my camera at my mother-in-love's, so pictures will have to wait. :(
I was beginning to wonder if they ever would germinate.
Big Boy has been playing in a rice box lately. He loves it! I colored the rice and set it up with his construction trucks while he was asleep. When he got up I said "I have a surprise for you!" So now he calls it his ''prize box" instead of rice box, ha, ha!
Little Boy has been busy rolling around, running all over the kitchen in his walker and being silly. He had been such a good eater, (sometimes eating more than Big Boy!) But now has gotten into this picky kind of stage. Only, he really isn't picky about what type of food, but rather who feeds it to him. Sad to say, but I think this might be the death of the ''mushy food" era, where we spoon him apples and bananas, blueberries and pears, etc. He would much prefer to eat finger-foods now. He isn't quite 11 months old, and he is already independent! -EXCEPT- He will let nothing get into the way of eating spaghetti! It is his favorite food! He would let me feed it to him all day long! So I guess I could blend some veggies and such into the sauce to "sneak them in" and make sure he is getting enough. He is so cute, I can never shovel it in fast enough, he seems to just sit there with his mouth gaped open all through supper!
Hope to get my camera back soon to take some new pictures for you!
I was beginning to wonder if they ever would germinate.
Big Boy has been playing in a rice box lately. He loves it! I colored the rice and set it up with his construction trucks while he was asleep. When he got up I said "I have a surprise for you!" So now he calls it his ''prize box" instead of rice box, ha, ha!
Little Boy has been busy rolling around, running all over the kitchen in his walker and being silly. He had been such a good eater, (sometimes eating more than Big Boy!) But now has gotten into this picky kind of stage. Only, he really isn't picky about what type of food, but rather who feeds it to him. Sad to say, but I think this might be the death of the ''mushy food" era, where we spoon him apples and bananas, blueberries and pears, etc. He would much prefer to eat finger-foods now. He isn't quite 11 months old, and he is already independent! -EXCEPT- He will let nothing get into the way of eating spaghetti! It is his favorite food! He would let me feed it to him all day long! So I guess I could blend some veggies and such into the sauce to "sneak them in" and make sure he is getting enough. He is so cute, I can never shovel it in fast enough, he seems to just sit there with his mouth gaped open all through supper!
Hope to get my camera back soon to take some new pictures for you!
Saturday, March 5, 2016
~Just A Little Talk~
"If The power of God cannot be seen in your life leading you to greater and greater holiness, then maybe there is no power of God in your life."
~Paul Washer
"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
Philippians 1:6
God always finishes what He starts, the question is then, not will He finish, but did He start?
"The horizontal validates the vertical." ~Anon.In other words, your life and relationships on Earth are evidence of your relationship with Christ, whether that evidence proves you are truly Christian or not. That does not mean that if you are Christian that you do not sin. Sadly, Christians do still sin. The difference is that when you do, it deeply effects you, like a knife in the heart and you ask forgiveness and continue to grow more and more Christ-like. None of us will be perfect this side of Heaven, but we are to strive to be and to continue to grow. Not so that we may say "Oh look, I'm better than this or that person." Certainly not! But that the name of our God might be glorified and honored.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17
Have a good Saturday!
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
It's More Than That
Modern evangelical Christianity has essentially watered down what it means to be Christian into a little prayer that "only takes five minutes of your time". Is this really it? Is that all it is about? A prayer, and now you have your ticket to Heaven because you profess the name of Christ? So you've had an experience, felt the emotional high of "coming to Christ", but what about your every day life? Do you habitually lie? What about your attitude? Are you impatient and berate and holler at loved ones or the guy that cut you off in traffic? What happens when you are in town when the whole world seems to be there, you have to park way across the parking lot, shuffle your cranky, screaming kids through the store as fast as you can, only to get back to the car, buckle your kids in and realize- that little, .50 cent bottle of paint rolling around in the bottom of the cart didn't go through the check out? No one has a clue you didn't pay for it.......
The hard question: Are you really a new creature???
I'd like to share a video with you about examining the "sinner's prayer" against what Scripture says. This is the truth, and it may scare you-and that might not be a bad thing if it does, depending on what you do with the information. I truly hope that you watch it all the way through.
Here is Paul Washer:
The hard question: Are you really a new creature???
I'd like to share a video with you about examining the "sinner's prayer" against what Scripture says. This is the truth, and it may scare you-and that might not be a bad thing if it does, depending on what you do with the information. I truly hope that you watch it all the way through.
Here is Paul Washer:
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