
Farming Family

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


My pansies are popping up! I left my camera at my mother-in-love's, so pictures will have to wait. :(
     I was beginning to wonder if they ever would germinate.

Big Boy has been playing in a rice box lately. He loves it! I colored the rice and set it up with his construction trucks while he was asleep. When he got up I said "I have a surprise for you!" So now he calls it his ''prize box" instead of rice box, ha, ha!

Little Boy has been busy rolling around, running all over the kitchen in his walker and being silly. He had been such a good eater, (sometimes eating more than Big Boy!) But now has gotten into this picky kind of stage. Only, he really isn't picky about what type of food, but rather who feeds it to him. Sad to say, but I think this might be the death of the ''mushy food" era, where we spoon him apples and bananas, blueberries and pears, etc. He would much prefer to eat finger-foods now. He isn't quite 11 months old, and he is already independent! -EXCEPT- He will let nothing get into the way of eating spaghetti! It is his favorite food! He would let me feed it to him all day long! So I guess I could blend some veggies and such into the sauce to "sneak them in" and make sure he is getting enough. He is so cute, I can never shovel it in fast enough, he seems to just sit there with his mouth gaped open all through supper!

Hope to get my camera back soon to take some new pictures for you!


  1. It's always so exciting to see what u plant growing. ♡♡

  2. It's always so exciting to see what u plant growing. ♡♡
