
Farming Family

Monday, February 27, 2017

This Re-Mix Is Amazing!

I heard this on the radio three times over the last month or so, and I couldn't believe my ears! This is great! I just "YouTubed" it this morning, the video isn't bad either. If you love county music, you've got to take a listen! I must admit, I don't know some of the most recent artists, as I favor the sound of the older stuff (all the way back to Hank Williams Sr) but they are still good!

And just because, I thought I'd add in a song I haven't heard in a long while:

Have a great Monday!


  1. The mix is great! First time I've seen the video, impressive! And while I'm not a big Rascal Flat ts fan, Mayberry is my favorite song from them! Thank you for sharing!
