Question #5: When did your love for gardening develop? Did you enjoy it as a child?
"When I was just a little kid, I remember "helping" Mom and Dad plant our garden. They got a big kick out of me carefully picking up and planting one carrot seed at a time. They showed me a quicker way to get the job done! Outside of that I didn't do much gardening until I was grown up. It was something I gradually took a real interest in doing."
~Glad you stopped in! This is my little corner online where I jot down my thoughts and the happenings of the day at our farm. I hope you enjoy your stay. May The LORD richly bless you!!

Farming Family
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Saturday, June 24, 2017
~Of Deer And Legos~
This big doe has been hanging around the house. She doesn't have any little ones though. Her favorite meal seems to be our small fruit trees and my garden!!! You can get fairly close before she takes off, snorting in disgust that we disturbed her snack!
Last week's lesson: How to properly slice.(Using ''dull'' knives).
What a slicing cutie!
Trying desperately to get a picture of the two cousins in the aprons I made them....
Dance break?This is the best one! They just had so much fun to have and so little time, they couldn't stay still for dumb pictures!!!
Zonked with TV for quiet time.
Legos, anyone? This is the first time Big Boy has ever played with ''real'' Legos. He loved it! Guess Mama will have to start buying Legos now, lol.Just like Uncle Pat-Pat! My brother used to spend hours playing Legos in his room. He kept them in a large, blue tote. The rattling noise the Legos would make as he pawed through the box looking for a particular piece used to drive me crazy! Now I kinda miss it, lol.
Well, that's a wrap folks. I will post an interview question soon! Take care and God bless!
Saturday, June 17, 2017
~Interview Question #4~
Photo Credit: My sister "Nina"
Here is the fourth interview question with my Grammie! If you've missed any, you can catch up by clicking "Interview with Grammie" under post labels on the right side column.
Question #4: "How many children did you have home at one time before Aunt Ellie was old enough to go to school?"
"Aunt Ellie was born in 1951, Robin in 1953, then Barbie in 1954-so all three were home before Eleanor went to school. Busy time, but special."
Saturday, June 10, 2017
~Interview Question #3~
Here is the third question in my interview with my Grammie:
Question #3 How did you know he (Grampie) was "the one"?
"When Grampie first showed up at L.A. (Lee Academy), he was wearing a yellow knit vest, was tall and a NEW guy at school! That caught my attention! I didn't know he noticed me at all, but I was friends with his sister (also new to L.A.).She invited me to go along with them to Lincoln. I learned afterwards that he had suggested that she ask me to go with them! He finally got a little braver and began paying attention to me. I think his attention made me feel special, so things progressed from there. Neither of us guessed then that we'd still be together sixty-six years later!!"
Now that, my friends, is what commitment looks like!!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Question #3 How did you know he (Grampie) was "the one"?
"When Grampie first showed up at L.A. (Lee Academy), he was wearing a yellow knit vest, was tall and a NEW guy at school! That caught my attention! I didn't know he noticed me at all, but I was friends with his sister (also new to L.A.).She invited me to go along with them to Lincoln. I learned afterwards that he had suggested that she ask me to go with them! He finally got a little braver and began paying attention to me. I think his attention made me feel special, so things progressed from there. Neither of us guessed then that we'd still be together sixty-six years later!!"
Now that, my friends, is what commitment looks like!!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Background Music
I have finally figured out how to put background music on my blog again (with the help of YouTube, of course)! I just wanted to let you know where to find the player, in case you do not want to hear the music so you can pause it during your visit. It is on the right side bar, under "popular posts". It is kida big, hard to miss, lol. I hope you enjoy it! Yiruma is one of my favorite composers. His music is so peaceful and beautiful. Ejoy!
~"It Is A Great Art....To Saunter"~
I love that quote by Thoreau. That sums up our day yesterday, more or less. I did dishes and laundry in the morning when the boys had finished breakfast. Then we went out to play. We played ball, laid in the grass and looked for bugs, watched butterflies in the Lilacs, scooped dirt into a coffee can, listened to the birds. Then they both "pig piled" mama. Even the dog joined in and tried to sit on me! By then it started to get pretty hot out, and Little Boy was proving the need for a nap. So we went in and had lunch and quiet time. Little Boy woke up from his nap first. After I changed him, we snuggled on the couch. It wasn't long before he squirmed to the floor and picked out a book. "Read it, Mama?" Who could resist? So for about the 200th time, we read "Llama, Llama, Red Pajama". Big Boy was up shortly. Back outside. I sat on the steps talking to Grammie Osgood on the phone while they played out front. When I got off the phone I went over to see what they were doing. They had found the remnants of a mud puddle and were having a blast!
I showed them how to make mud pies. We used large maple leaves for plates.
I love how in the Spring/Summer the leaves make a beautiful canopy over the driveway.
Little Boy, sporting his brother's boots and a cloth diaper.
They were holding hands, but I missed it!
Inside playing with magnetic letters while Mama and Big Boy make supper for Daddy.
Bouquet of fresh lilacs. I wait all year for this! This one bouquet fills the kitchen with a lovely fragrance!
Recipe from my old cook book.
Happy chef!
He dipped and breaded his fish all by himself (mostly).
Our finished pie.
I don't feel so rushed, now that the garden is all in. I didn't plant potatoes, if I get the chance right off great, if not, that's ok. Ideally I would have had them in mid May, but it took me two weeks to spread a dump truck load of compost on the garden. It isn't the most beautiful garden I've ever planted. It has sods and rocks that I need to rake and pick. (We expanded the plot this year). But it took so long for the compost, that I really needed to get the seeds into the ground! Now I can work on the rest while things are growing. We planted pole beans around a "A" shaped trellis so the boys could have a bean tunnel to play in! Hopefully we get some goodies before September!!!! My lettuce is getting bigger! Fresh salad soon!
I hope you have a good day. And don't forget to take some time to saunter!
Sunday, June 4, 2017
~Interview Question #2~
Hey everyone! Been a busy week here. I've spent pretty much every minute I could outside this past week, working on the garden between thunder showers. We have a fox after our chickens! She has already taken 4! I'm so mad! I'm sure she has babies to feed, but really? MY chickens?? Can't she catch some squirrels, rabbits or partridge? Actually, now that I think about it, I guess I'd rather have a nice, plump chicken for supper. Although, I have had squirrel before. Just like chewing on a boot. Boy they are tough!
If I get the chance, I'd like to do a video this week on preventing diaper rash while using cloth diapers. So if you are interested in that kind of thing, keep an eye out!
On with the question:
#2. How did you and Grampie meet?
"Grampie went to highschool in Lincoln his first three years, but due to a family move, he came to L.A.(Lee Academy) for his senior year. That is where we met. He always liked redheads, so I've been told. If I hadn't been redheaded, this story might not have been the same!"
Stay tuned for more!
Have a wonderful day!
If I get the chance, I'd like to do a video this week on preventing diaper rash while using cloth diapers. So if you are interested in that kind of thing, keep an eye out!
On with the question:
#2. How did you and Grampie meet?
"Grampie went to highschool in Lincoln his first three years, but due to a family move, he came to L.A.(Lee Academy) for his senior year. That is where we met. He always liked redheads, so I've been told. If I hadn't been redheaded, this story might not have been the same!"
Stay tuned for more!
Have a wonderful day!
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