~Glad you stopped in! This is my little corner online where I jot down my thoughts and the happenings of the day at our farm. I hope you enjoy your stay. May The LORD richly bless you!!

Farming Family
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Recently, I met Joe at the restaurant one morning when he got off night shift. While sitting there drinking coffee I was spacing out during the guys conversations. They usually ranged from politics to discussing who thought their way was the best way to plow. On the wall by the kitchen I saw the familiar plaque that read: "Those who are organized are just too lazy to look for things." Well, today it hit me. If a robber ever broke into our house, we don't have to worry, they wouldn't be able to find anything. I've been doing a little here and there, but nothing major. Maybe it will all add up and then the whole house will be done...yeah ok. Jesus will probably be back in person before then, who knows? Have a good day!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Project Bathroom...
Hello folks! I'm tackling the bathroom next. Here are some photos of the mess...
I have to be careful when I open the cabinet doors, there is so much "stuff" crammed in there. Everything is floating around, large and small, I think a few containers will make it much better.
And usually 'clean' clothes get draped on the door hook until they fall on the floor and have to be picked up.
Well, that's the project I'm starting. Happy December y'all!!!!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Hello everyone, I'm still alive lol. Things have been pretty crazy around here lately, but I've discovered that when your car breaks down, you don't have anymore valid excuses not to do your house work ;-) Here are some pictures of what my kitchen looked like before I was done cleaning and organizing...
Doesn't that just make you nuts inside???? So, here is what it looks like now...
Hope that wasn't too bad.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!! I hope you have a great day and eat a whole lotta grub!!!!
Doesn't that just make you nuts inside???? So, here is what it looks like now...
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!! I hope you have a great day and eat a whole lotta grub!!!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Hello everyone!
Figured I'd better pop in before someone thinks I moved to another planet!
Ok, so, I still have boxes upstairs of stuff that I haven't unpacked since I moved to Carroll. I moved 8 months ago. Yeah. That being said, that means I haven't set up my sewing/craft room/ office yet. I came across this professional organizer on the internet. Her name is Alejandra and here is the link: http://alejandra.tv/ She has a lot of good ideas on so many things! I look at her pantry tour and all but drool-she is THAT good. Sometimes, things that she organizes doesn't bother me so it looks like she has OCD, but then, maybe it's just that I am too unorganized to see it. It helped watching her videos and joining her 7 day free trial to jump-start my organizing projects.
I started in the worst room first, the guest room. We don't really use it except that is where our dresser and clothes closet is, so when I am overwhelmed with clutter, I've been dumping it in boxes and stacking them in there and shut the door. I know, that's really bad, isn't it? Some things I had no clue how to organize, it didn't seem to have a category ( most of that kind of stuff is Joe's, so I need him to help me go through it and let me know what he wants to do with it). I'm getting there. Pretty much I have already took stuff out of the room that doesn't belong there, and will start putting it away when I get some time off. Maybe I'll do some before and after pictures.
I hope you have a good day!
Figured I'd better pop in before someone thinks I moved to another planet!
Ok, so, I still have boxes upstairs of stuff that I haven't unpacked since I moved to Carroll. I moved 8 months ago. Yeah. That being said, that means I haven't set up my sewing/craft room/ office yet. I came across this professional organizer on the internet. Her name is Alejandra and here is the link: http://alejandra.tv/ She has a lot of good ideas on so many things! I look at her pantry tour and all but drool-she is THAT good. Sometimes, things that she organizes doesn't bother me so it looks like she has OCD, but then, maybe it's just that I am too unorganized to see it. It helped watching her videos and joining her 7 day free trial to jump-start my organizing projects.
I started in the worst room first, the guest room. We don't really use it except that is where our dresser and clothes closet is, so when I am overwhelmed with clutter, I've been dumping it in boxes and stacking them in there and shut the door. I know, that's really bad, isn't it? Some things I had no clue how to organize, it didn't seem to have a category ( most of that kind of stuff is Joe's, so I need him to help me go through it and let me know what he wants to do with it). I'm getting there. Pretty much I have already took stuff out of the room that doesn't belong there, and will start putting it away when I get some time off. Maybe I'll do some before and after pictures.
I hope you have a good day!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Houston, we have snow!
We had snow a couple days ago! As soon as I get new batteries for my camera I can post some more pictures! Mom gave me some but the camera still says "change the batteries" then shuts off almost with a sense of arrogance lol. I could post a couple pictures that I already have, but they are on my other SD card, which is currently M.I.A.
Back to the snow...
One of my first thoughts when I saw the white stuff was that Grammie was no doubt going to have Christmas music playing at some point that day. She always plays Christmas music on the first snow of the year. I also thought of the Christmas party she hosts for the whole family every year. And how much I like Grampie's doughnuts and Chex party mix. Ok, I admit, I felt almost giddy like a little kid *smile* but I couldn't help it!
At the Christmas party, we all used to exchange gifts. But the Christmas before last (or was it three years ago?) my mom, along with some of the clan thought about what we could do as a family with all the money spent on stuff, for people who were already going to get stuff on Christmas. So the ideas went around and it was decided. Grammie always wanted to put in a well for clean water over seas for people less fortunate to have the resources we take for granted. Last Christmas, everyone at the party brought the change that they had been saving all year long. When it was counted up, it was a large amount of money. Money that would have been spent on things that would be now, completely forgotten about. We had enough money for Grammie's well. That's what Christmas should be, in my opinion. This year, we are saving for Operation Smile...
Touching, isn't it. Well that's my thoughts for today. Have a great day and God bless you!
Back to the snow...
One of my first thoughts when I saw the white stuff was that Grammie was no doubt going to have Christmas music playing at some point that day. She always plays Christmas music on the first snow of the year. I also thought of the Christmas party she hosts for the whole family every year. And how much I like Grampie's doughnuts and Chex party mix. Ok, I admit, I felt almost giddy like a little kid *smile* but I couldn't help it!
At the Christmas party, we all used to exchange gifts. But the Christmas before last (or was it three years ago?) my mom, along with some of the clan thought about what we could do as a family with all the money spent on stuff, for people who were already going to get stuff on Christmas. So the ideas went around and it was decided. Grammie always wanted to put in a well for clean water over seas for people less fortunate to have the resources we take for granted. Last Christmas, everyone at the party brought the change that they had been saving all year long. When it was counted up, it was a large amount of money. Money that would have been spent on things that would be now, completely forgotten about. We had enough money for Grammie's well. That's what Christmas should be, in my opinion. This year, we are saving for Operation Smile...
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Vertical Church Tour
Vertical Church Tour Recap
Encouraging. Inspiring. Walk in the Word.
(Isaiah 30:21)
"This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left."
Encouraging. Inspiring. Walk in the Word.
(Isaiah 30:21)
"This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left."
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Easy as...Cookie!
Good morning! I'd like to share a peanut butter cookie recipe with you!
The recipe book is called "Cooking with memories" by the Carroll Plt. Veteran Honor Roll Committee.
The recipe its self is from Brittany Glidden in memory of Birdie Cole 1911-2004. I think it is so cool to have a "town" cook book, means how there is only about 144 people in it!!!!
Shall we get started?...
You will need: 1 c. peanut butter
1c. sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
That's it! Mix all ingredients together and drop in little balls on a greased cookie sheet. Then press each cookie with a fork dipped in sugar and bake for 16-18 minutes in a 350* oven.
And presto! you have delicious peanut butter cookies! Since there is no flour, they are good for those who are allergic to gluten or wheat.It looks like it's going to rain today. I'm going to attempt pizza sauce today, I'll let you know how it goes!
Have a good day and may God bless you!!!! :-)
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Reality check check-list
Beautiful view this morning as fog spilled across Bower's mountain:
Sometimes I forget how easy it is for things to "fall apart" but I'm learning that a lot of frustration can be minimized and even eliminated by having the right attitude towards life in general.Or, by loading your gun the next time pigs get out:-) Jesus didn't get all bent out of shape when His mother asked Him to do something that wasn't yet on His agenda (John 2:1-11) and all through His ministry He was approached by people, constantly, who wanted and needed His help, attention, healing.
I wish Mary could have taken pictures of it for me, these just don't do it justice!
So, I'm sure you'll get a kick out of this, especially if you read my last post first. This is how my to do list went into action!
Monday's to do list:
- pack Joe's lunch, get him off to work
- listen to the radio program on whcffm
- go upstairs to make the bed
- wake up suddenly, make the bed
- look over sour kraut recipe
- realize you don't know where one special, significant food processor piece went
- start "shredding" cabbage with a knife instead (25+ lbs)
- look out window and see a pig on the front yard
- spend 1/2 hr chasing pig back into fence
- check all water buckets, refill cow trough
- continue shedding more cabbage
- get a phone call from Gramps and pick up two roosters someone graciously donated
- set roosters up in a wire cage on the grass
- find another cage to put a rooster in who doesn't seem to play well with others
- go back in house after being gone less than 15 minutes, clean up trash can mess from the puppy
- shred cabbage
- finally, get ready for next sour kraut step
- see pig back in front yard
- spend 45 minutes chasing pig all the way around the whole pasture fence
- get close to getting pig back in
- good ol' dog Jeb, tried to help
- chase pig some more
- get pig back in fence, pile big rocks under the gate
- realize you've forgotten all about laundry, and start a load
- finish sour kraut
- clean off shelves for canned goods in cellar
- start stew and hope carrots cook fast enough
- wash all the dishes
- get things together for card making night at the church you almost forgot about
- switch laundry around
- notice you don't see any pigs, and almost bet to get a phone call from the neighbors
- start ATV and drive down to the lower pasture
- pigs come running, on their side of the fence, thankfully
- driving back to the house, laugh to yourself as you see all the apples, still on the tree
- bake cookies for card night, leave some for Joe and head out
Sometimes I forget how easy it is for things to "fall apart" but I'm learning that a lot of frustration can be minimized and even eliminated by having the right attitude towards life in general.Or, by loading your gun the next time pigs get out:-) Jesus didn't get all bent out of shape when His mother asked Him to do something that wasn't yet on His agenda (John 2:1-11) and all through His ministry He was approached by people, constantly, who wanted and needed His help, attention, healing.
Hope you day goes well. I don't dare voice what I'd like to accomplish today lol. Blessings!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Today's Agenda
Yesterday was a nice day. Beautiful weather, and relaxing on the Lord's day. We went t o church and it was the last sermon on Joseph in Genesis. The focus has been on his life, and how God used him to save Egypt and the surrounding countries from the seven year famine that took place after seven years of plenty. Pastor Steve pointed out that all through his life bad things happened to him. His brothers hated him, they didn't believe his dreams, they tackled him and threw him in a pit (and sat down for lunch while he was in there!) Then his brother Judah thought it would be better to sell him to the Ishmaelites rather than kill him (Gen. 37:26-27). So they sold their brother as a slave. Then in Egypt, Joseph was falsely accused by Potiphar's wife of taking advantage of her and was sent to prison for TWO YEARS. And not once, do we read where Joseph complained, or raged about how his "rights" where violated, which is such a common response today. I don't know about you, but I can't say that I would be that patient and understanding. Today, I think that it would be easy for some of us to become bitter and angry. Just something to think about...
Also, yesterday, we stopped in and visited the Apgar family. My husband used to work on their farm when he was in high school, they are really nice folks. I got to hear some interesting stories of fishing and trapping experiences (the kind of stories you don't tell your wife until long after it happens :-) Then we went to the church union meeting that night. Union meetings are when several churches get together for a potluck type meal (each church is responsible for a different dish each time e.i. salads, desserts, etc.) and worship service and message. We have them once a month. They are nice and refreshing times to worship with others together and hear a pastor speak on an encouraging, and challenging message from another church.
Today's to dos:
Also, yesterday, we stopped in and visited the Apgar family. My husband used to work on their farm when he was in high school, they are really nice folks. I got to hear some interesting stories of fishing and trapping experiences (the kind of stories you don't tell your wife until long after it happens :-) Then we went to the church union meeting that night. Union meetings are when several churches get together for a potluck type meal (each church is responsible for a different dish each time e.i. salads, desserts, etc.) and worship service and message. We have them once a month. They are nice and refreshing times to worship with others together and hear a pastor speak on an encouraging, and challenging message from another church.
Today's to dos:
- Make 25 lbs of sour kraut
- can tomatoes
- write letters
- make and can apple pie filling
- wash and hang out laundry
- dishes
- update home management binder
Friday, September 14, 2012
Hello everyone. Things are going, going here. Today was grocery day for us. I go grocery shopping twice a month (although I inevitably usually end up having to go back to town for one reason or another. But, maybe this will be the month when I won't have to : P yeah, right.) Let me point out that I hung out with my Mom and siblings yesterday in town, and I had a great time. It isn't those situations I'm talking about, rather, just making trips for my own errands i.e. doctors appointments, etc. And about yesterday; it was so nice being with the crew while they picked out some of their new school supplies! They each picked out a colored pen with little feathers on them and that blink when you write-so cute. And note books with little, fuzzy puppies and such on them. And each of the kids got to pick out a new book for reading in school (home school) each according to their level, and stories they wanted to read about. They were pretty excited! I am so blessed with such a family.
Meals for the next two weeks:
OK, this is typically what I spend on groceries for two people, for two weeks:
Groceries: 50-60 dollars per week. Now this is regular grocery items, like milk, meats, butter, eggs, and other perishables. Like take for example, this grocery trip, I spent $171.00, $43.00 of which were staples. Staples for us include: peanut butter, flour, sugar, baking pwd, baking cocoa, brown sugar, gravy, pizza and pasta sauces, etc. all of which I had to get this trip. So, on a "normal" shopping trip, it would be: $171-43=$128. Divide that by 2, and you have $64. So this grocery trip I got groceries enough for 2+ weeks for $64 per week. I'm sure It could be done cheaper than this, especially by someone who has been doing this a while. Now, if you want to get technical, you can take that $64 and divide it by 2 and get $32 dollars per person per week, then divide it by 7 and get $4.6. So each of us eats for roughly $4.60 per day (including snack foods). And I probably only spend about 20.00 every 4 weeks/month on staples ( I don't buy coffee, baking pwd, baking cocoa, salt, gravy, every month.) I also recently found out that Steaks 'n' Stuff carries shredded mozzarella cheese in 5lb bags for $14. I was paying $8 for 2lbs at Walmart. So that figures out to be a difference of $1.20 per lb. Which, If you use a lot of cheese, you can save as much as $6 on 5lbs of cheese!!! Needless to say, I will be buying my mozzarella cheese from Steaks 'n' Stuff (we don't use 5lbs of cheese in 2 weeks either, lol.)
Just a couple snapshots of my freshly stocked cupboards. I'd like to say at this point that my cupboards aren't always this organized he,he. I usually clean them out and organize them the day or two before I go grocery shopping for a couple reasons. 1. Because then I know what I have, what I am running low on, and what's missing. 2. Because foods don't keep forever and if I can keep up with getting rid of out dated food, I won't have as many encounters with stinky green stuff lol. 3. Then the shelves get a once-over with the dust rag. 4. It is so much easier to save money if you plan a menu around things that you already have.

Good night folks and God bless you!
Meals for the next two weeks:
- lasagna
- beef roast
- chicken wraps
- BBQ chicken sandwiches
- steak
- beans
- cheesy rice with veggies
- spaghetti
- cheese burgers
- pizza
- chicken stew
- pasta and veggies
- BBQ beef sandwiches
- chicken salad sandwiches
- corn chowder
OK, this is typically what I spend on groceries for two people, for two weeks:
Groceries: 50-60 dollars per week. Now this is regular grocery items, like milk, meats, butter, eggs, and other perishables. Like take for example, this grocery trip, I spent $171.00, $43.00 of which were staples. Staples for us include: peanut butter, flour, sugar, baking pwd, baking cocoa, brown sugar, gravy, pizza and pasta sauces, etc. all of which I had to get this trip. So, on a "normal" shopping trip, it would be: $171-43=$128. Divide that by 2, and you have $64. So this grocery trip I got groceries enough for 2+ weeks for $64 per week. I'm sure It could be done cheaper than this, especially by someone who has been doing this a while. Now, if you want to get technical, you can take that $64 and divide it by 2 and get $32 dollars per person per week, then divide it by 7 and get $4.6. So each of us eats for roughly $4.60 per day (including snack foods). And I probably only spend about 20.00 every 4 weeks/month on staples ( I don't buy coffee, baking pwd, baking cocoa, salt, gravy, every month.) I also recently found out that Steaks 'n' Stuff carries shredded mozzarella cheese in 5lb bags for $14. I was paying $8 for 2lbs at Walmart. So that figures out to be a difference of $1.20 per lb. Which, If you use a lot of cheese, you can save as much as $6 on 5lbs of cheese!!! Needless to say, I will be buying my mozzarella cheese from Steaks 'n' Stuff (we don't use 5lbs of cheese in 2 weeks either, lol.)
Just a couple snapshots of my freshly stocked cupboards. I'd like to say at this point that my cupboards aren't always this organized he,he. I usually clean them out and organize them the day or two before I go grocery shopping for a couple reasons. 1. Because then I know what I have, what I am running low on, and what's missing. 2. Because foods don't keep forever and if I can keep up with getting rid of out dated food, I won't have as many encounters with stinky green stuff lol. 3. Then the shelves get a once-over with the dust rag. 4. It is so much easier to save money if you plan a menu around things that you already have.
Good night folks and God bless you!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Things I Have Learned
Just a little post on a few things I have learned so far in married life, as well as life in general...
- Shoe goo gets it done when you need to fix a leaky sink pipe while Prince charming is out. The threads wore out on the part that connects the pipe to the sink.
- Messes, laundry and dirty toilets do happen, even with only two people ;-)
- Goats are labeled ornery for a very good reason. Like when they faithfully kick over the milk pail again and again and again...even with their feet tied down.
- Cooking for two is an adventure, especially when you are used to cooking for twelve. You just simply can't cook the same way and eat Everything before it goes bad,(unless you're pregnant) and if your freezer is full, you're bummin. Here is a link to a great site that has neat ideas... http://katiea81.hubpages.com/hub/groceryshoppingfortwoforless I will have to do a future post on cooking for two.
- In a lot of ways, puppies are much like small children. If they are quiet, you'd better see what they are up to! You have to potty train them (may I insert here, that when you are house breaking a puppy, if you have a closed in porch, make sure you take them through BOTH doors, even if the outside door is open! I know, DUH, right?) They teethe too, and find your hairbrush the perfect thing to cut teeth on.
- You know you're "country" when you are disappointed about your puppy ruining your $3 flip-flops that you've had for three years, after all, next to your muck boots they are your "best" casual shoes!!!! So instead of tossing them out, you fix them with fishin line:-)
- When one chicken "disappears" six return in three days.
- Crock pots and vacuums are must haves in this day and age, especially when you are outside most of the time, and have two dogs and a husband to cleanup after. lol
- Dogs make good scrap-umes in the kitchen (they even eat green beans!)
- Raspberry jam is a breakfast hero when it comes to fried ham *yummy!*
- With pigs, nothing goes to waste.
- Food really does taste better when you grow and cook it yourself.
- A certain sense of satisfaction and "security" finds you when you have jars and jars of home canned goods.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
This is WAR!!!
That's it! I've had it and I'm packing!!! (packing my dishes that is) Ok, so here's the scoop; I have this little problem when it comes to my dishes. I like to call it procrastination, however, it may more accurately be labeled -Laziness-. Whichever the case, it has come to an end! So, Joe and I tend to grab a glass out of the cabinet every time we want a drink, (hey, who has time to look for that glass they left in the other room? Lol) If there were only, say four in there, we would have to look for our last drinking vessel, right? That means even if we dirtied every one we had I still would only be washing four at the end of the day. Genius!!!! *ahem* I've boxed up all but four coffee cups, glasses, large and small plates. You wouldn't believe the room in my cupboards now!!! I can safely open a door with out first trying to remember if my life insurance policy covers death from clutter, or if it would be considered suicide! After all, in all seriousness here, Less is More right?
AAAhhhhhh! isn't that better?! |
Well, that's all for now, I'm gonna make lasagna for supper. Future post: Things I've learned.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Vegetable stand!
Hello! Just a little note this morning. I've been selling some veggies, goat milk soap, and a few canned goods at our little stand by the post office this week. I've set up twice, this past Saturday and today. We made as much selling things in a total of eight hours as I make part time at the store in a week!!!! (Too bad veggie stands don't exactly work in the Winter! lol) Our corn is almost ready, we hope the coons aren't looking :- )
Monday, August 13, 2012
Joe helped me with loading on pictures! This is one my sister Mary took when she and the little kids came to spend the night a couple weeks ago. She has such a talent! She captured things I never would have noticed! The sun is shining after a few days of much needed rain. Our garden and pasture needed it!!!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Maybe tonight or tomorrow Joe can help me put pictures on here, it would be a lot more interesting!
Hello! Just wanted to let you know i'm on here, and I'm tryig to fiure this all out, it's been a while!! lol ~p.s. the time is messed up! I was sound asleep at three this mornin! It says pacific daylight time and I can't get it to change, ugh!
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