
Farming Family

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A little bit of Nesting Syndrome...Or Insanity?

O.K., Who's been near my coffee?! Here it is, 5:15 AM and this already has taken place:

  • I got dressed
  • Washed my face/brushed my teeth
  • Cooked Joe's breakfast
  • Packed his lunch for work
  • Started a load of laundry
  • Swept the living room 
  • Swept my laundry area
  • Fed/let out June Bug
  • Made coffee
  • Washed all the dirty dishes(which weren't many, I did most all of them last night)
So I'm thinking, *WHAT?!*.
This morning I have all kinds of energy! Where did it come from? Certainly not from sleeping soundly( who knew sleeping only on your side for months could be so uncomfortable?). The weird part is, not only do I have the energy but I also have motivation. While I was washing dishes, I noticed little cobwebs under my cabinets and said to myself "They're going down!"

     Also, I would like to say, while trying not to jump on a soap box here, that while I was browsing Google Images for the picture above, I came across this one.
This makes me angry. I wonder if it sprang from Women's Liberation? It is insulting to the very thing women are commanded to do in the Bible "...that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers..." Titus 2:4-5 I'm not saying that every woman has to be a Dona Reed, nor do I think that is what is being implied here. I do believe, however, that the woman in the household sets the tone. Even women who have successful careers decorate their "havens", and usually still throw the laundry in the machines. But what made me so mad, is that even if the wife doesn't do the cleaning, some how, some where down the line somebody does. Whether it's the husband, older children, or hired cleaning service, someone does the job. This statement to me was insulting to all those who clean. So, the maid service is made up of a bunch of wasted lives? Really? So, if you are a young mother of little children and are over whelmed so you hire them-do you think their lives are wasted when they leave your house sparkling? Or if you have a career? Are they beneath you because you file paper work, or care for patients? They make lives better too, do they not? Even if it is with elbow grease and a mop, I believe their job is just as important as the next, and fulfilling, too. I bet most of them enjoy cleaning. I know I do. Mainly because it is something I can do and see immediate results, and have peace of mind when it is done. I find it more difficult to enjoy quiet time when I'm up to my ears in clutter and filth. Not to mention the fact that germs collect in homes, and someone has to remove/kill them once in a while right? Anyway, so much for not getting on that box.
Well, I hope you have a good day, and be careful, who knows what could be in your coffee lol. 


  1. Quick! Go to your mothers house! I hear her calling you! (and you might want to take your cleaning supplies-just sayin') haha

    And...... I always knew that soap-box-itis was contagious. Now I have proof. Have a good day. Love ya!

    1. Haha! Yeah, just can't help the soap-box thing, it kinda is like a condition lol. Love you too!
