Although it is not as good as Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream. My little dream this year consists of:
A screen door. Yes, a screen door. A lightweight screen door for my front porch. Oh, and make that a squeaky one, please (that is a requirement!). I don't know why, exactly, but a squeaky screen door that "slaps" softly when carelessly left to close its self behind you does something to my very soul. (And you thought I couldn't get any weirder!) I'm sure that long after my children have grown and moved out, I will sit on my front porch and still hear the sound of them going in and out all day, slamming the screen door behind them. And maybe sometimes while they are small, it will get on my nerves. But I am positive the old and gray me will clearly remember that sound with a smile on my old, wrinkled face. And I hope my grandchildren will ''annoy'' me in just the same way....
You get an A+ if you know who's house this is...
a hummingbird feeder, or course!
I love watching those little "buzz birds" zoom around and fight over the feeder. They sit in my lilac bushes in the Spring, and I'd love to get them a feeder.
Don't forget the regular bird feeder!
I want to get a feeder and a bird book to do bird watching with the boys. :) Oh, that would be fun!
*Disclaimer* All of the above photos came from a Google Images search and are not my own.
A little moon watching.
Big Boy loves looking at the moon! When he spots it he yells "Moon, moon! Mama, moon!" Poopie's dish makes a good step stool.
I hope you have a good day, looks like it will be a good one!