
Farming Family

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Playing Outside!!!

Yesterday we made homemade laundry soap. Yes, I finally picked up the ingredients! Borax, Washing soda and Fels-naptha. I literally dumped both boxes into a large glass jar then grated 4 bars of the Fels-naptha and mixed it together. I have been making the powdered stuff for a while now. I like it better than making the liquid because it is simpler and no need to "cook" it or wait for it to gel to use it. And it is more concentrated, so it goes further. 

 I had all kinds of mixing "help", lol.

 Then after naps, it was time to play outside! It was SO BEAUTIFUL out yesterday! There is no substitute for sunshine and fresh air! Big Boy slept all night long, and I think Little Boy would have too, but he has recently acquired a cold, and is super mad that he can't breathe out of his nose!

"Mama, I may be warm, but I can't use my arms!"   Look at that huge grin!

 What a cutie!

When we came in we had hot chocolate and made chocolate chip cookies! Yum!

Little Boy's first words..."All Done". We were at my Mom's and Big Boy said "All done." This little guy gave it right back to him!

   Today is supposed to be nice too, I'm told. Have some fun in the sun, it'll cure whatever is ailing ya!


  1. Love the hats! Aunt KK been shopping again? :)

    1. I like them too! It was Nana this time, but I'm sure KK would have grabbed them if she hadn't!

  2. So cute. I'm thankful it has been a little warmer for the kids to go outside as well!!

  3. So cute. I'm thankful it has been a little warmer for the kids to go outside as well!!
