
Farming Family

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Small Town Is...

When there is only one big box store within a 50 mile radius, everyone has the same coffee pot! So then whenevah you go ovah to yah neighbahs, or wherevah, you know how to run thah buggah when thah coffee runs out!
 If you noticed it is empty, don't worry, I filled it up!!!  Cinnamon rolls I made from scratch yesterday. I put some uncooked ones in the freezer for Sunday, I wonder how they will turn out after being frozen...


Here is a scary fact for you:
If you were to spend two hours a day in front of a screen (TV, computer, phone, etc.) from age 5 to age 60, you will have spent a total of 4.6 YEARS OF YOUR LIFE watching a screen. I am certainly not anti-technology, but this fact really made me think about how much time I've spent with screens, and am going to spend less time with them from now on. I would imagine, that at the end of our lives, we may find ourselves wanting a little more time with loved ones...  

 The cover of the scrapbook I'm currently working on.
Go enjoy some life today!


  1. Right after I get rid of my "grammah headache" :p

  2. Wicked nice coffee pot! My awesome sister bought me the same one ;)
