More like the last three weeks! Little Boy is cutting four teeth at once, and wants Mama to hold him all day. Big Boy is busy tearing the house apart that Mama can't pick up while holding Little Boy. He is more interested in following me around and getting into things than playing with toys. Laundry is piled everywhere, dishes never get put away, the house is a wreck, I haven't done a weekly menu in three weeks, and don't get me started on what the office looks like! *sigh* I think I'm going to go crazy, but my husband says that would be a short trip, lol. T'is one of the seasons of life with littles. It will be so nice when it warms up outdoors. When we get out in the fresh air we all are in a better mood!
If the boys let me, I'd like to finish planing this year's garden and order some seeds and chicks this week. Darlin said he can build some more raised beds for me :)
Little Boy, figuring out what whipped cream is!
Think he likes it?
Finger paints! Or is it face paints?!
in either case, if its non toxic, its a food group :p