
Farming Family

Monday, November 14, 2016

I Speak English

I stood in front of my printer/copier, trying to figure out how to make it print my Thanksgiving menu on both sides of one piece of paper. Looking through the ''print'' options on my computer, I searched and searched for a ''print two sided" or "double sided" option like on previous computers I'd used. I didn't find one. No such option was listed. Knowing that there must be a way to do this, I just started randomly selecting options and trying them to see if it was what I was looking for. One after another and I still had no success. Finally, I came to an option "manual duplex". Duplex? Doesn't that mean ''copy'', or "two"? When I hear the word ''duplex" I think of a house, or carbon check copies. But lo and behold, that was it. So a ''manual duplex" is printing on two sides of the paper. Got it. Wow. I probably shouldn't be admitting to this stuff. Oh, well. Hope someone got a kick out of my ''blonde'' story of the day!

Darlin's birthday was Saturday. I grabbed a quick pic of him in his new "Maine Guide" shirt. His old shirt was so worn, I would've had to start patching the patches, and it was so thin and faded. Therefore, the boys and I got him a new one. 

 The first bright star peeking out last night.
 A little blurry, but beautiful colors.
 It really shined just after the sun went down.
I hope you have a B-E-A-U-TIFUL day!!!

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