
Farming Family

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

My Favorite Part Of The Day

Early morning has always been my favorite part of the day. It's quiet and peaceful. Lately I have enjoyed sitting in my rocking chair by the stove with a hot cup of coffee, watching as the sky steadily grows lighter. Although, the boys have been early risers too, and it doesn't seem fair! LOL. Especially since time change, they have been up really early. For about the last week or so, they've been up at about 5 A.M. After turning the clocks back, they've been up 4:00/4:30ish. I like having quiet time in the morning to be alone, to read, pray and have some coffee before the hustle and bustle of the day starts. I am also most productive in the mornings. After the boys go to bed at night (7:00), I don't have much energy or ambition to do a whole lot. In fact, I'm usually in bed myself around 8:00/8:30. I don't mind them being up so early, if they just play in their room and get along. It's when they realize that I'm downstairs that things get pretty loud. "Mama! Jackson get out?" Is the usual call across the house first thing. Sigh. Hopefully soon they will go back to sleeping until at least 6:00! Plus, as they days grow colder, I will be sneaking off to the barn early to do chores before they get up, because it will be too cold to have them out so early. Usually in the Winter, I bundle them up and take them out for a walk and fresh air before nap time, when the sun is the highest.

     Currently I am working on a new home management binder. And new routines that fit our current daily life. As I mentioned in an earlier post, things have changed in the last year (as they should), and so our old routines do not fit anymore. Routines are not to "chain" you to the house, so that you cannot do anything spontaneous, but are such that when the spontaneous does happen, it does not send everything into a tail spin, because things have already been running smoothly. I'm sure probably some of you think I'm a nut, to care about routines and rhythms and such. Maybe so. But when household and barn chores are organized in such a way that I know what is next and when things will most likely get done, it frees my mind from constantly thinking about all the "to dos". Laundry doesn't pile up. The couch gets vacuumed under more than once in a coon's age. I know what to make for supper and use up leftovers before they go bad. I have more time to do fun stuff with the kids. Time is a lot like money. If you don't pay attention, and tell it where to go (budgeting) it will flee from you and you won't know where it all went, and will have nothing to show for it.
     I want to be intentional with my time so that the things that are priority get done on a regular basis (time with the LORD, time with the kids/family, healthy, home cooked meals, etc.) 

That is what I'm currently working on. I will update soon. I have only been able to find small pockets of time to work on it amongst the chaos.

I hope you have a blessed day! 

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