
Farming Family

Saturday, May 27, 2017

~Where Is May Going? And my Newly Acquired Treasure!~

Oh my goodness! I can't believe it has been a month since I posted last! Sorry friends! This is a busy time of year for us; getting the garden ready, planting, yard work, cleaning the barn, cleaning the house, projects, etc.
  What have I been up to? Well....I finally finished repainting the bathroom (it really needed it!). I'm not crazy about painting, in fact, I'd rather fold laundry (for those of you who don't know me in person, or have not seen "Mt. Fold It Later" that seems to perpetually live on my livingroom table, that is saying something!)

I made this toilet paper holder from a little stick of biscuit wood and baling twine. I had some little hooks and wire in my tool box to make the stick removable for refills. 
 The old glass milk bottle I had these flowers in before broke. My mother-in-love had just given these canning jars to me. I like the pop of color it adds.
One of my favorite things growing up was "tadpole season". Every Spring we would go down to the pond to collect frog eggs and hatch them out inside. Once they were officially little frogs, we would let them go back to the pond. I figured this year the boys (at least Big Boy) would be old enough to grasp the basic concept of what was going on. They didn't think much of the glob of eggs, in fact were quite disappointed about the "surprise". But once they hatched out, Big Boy took immediate interest. "Mama! We got to check the frogs!" He says every day, multiple times. They are growing fast! Starting out a few weeks ago as little black dots. Now we can see their eyes and noses!

I purchased a few books from Amazon on frogs and ponds. The boys really enjoy them!
Our 100'x40' garden plot. Yeah, I've probably bitten off more than I can chew, but I'm excited to try! I hope it doesn't end up being a 100'x40' plot of guilt!
My newly acquired treasure is:
I interviewed my Grammie and asked her 22 questions. I now have 22 answers, with stories, in her handwriting! I thought it would be fun to post one question/answer a week.

This opening letter says:
 "Dear Danielle,
By the time you finished reading this 'manuscript' you probably wished you had never asked!!
It was fun to do and brought back a heap of memories. If you have a problem figuring out my penmanship, I'll be glad to interpret and no offense taken!
        Much love,

So here goes- Question #1.
When did you become Christian? Could you share a little about your faith background? (Did you grow up in a Christian home?) 

"My mother was a Christian, so I grew up believing in God. She saw that I attended Sunday School and church as a child. Though my father was not a Christian, he didn't seem to mind that we attended church, etc. I was eleven years old when I realized, through our pastor and many other preachers we had visiting our church, that it was important that I make a decision for myself whether or not to follow Jesus. That decision was sincere, and I was baptized in Silver Lake at Lee at the age of twelve. The pastor at that time was Mr. Farrer, who was a big influence in my life, and did his best to give us young people a good foundation in the faith.  He took extra time with my cousin, Eleanor and I,  as he could see we were really interested in learning more about the Lord. Another person who really influenced me during my early pre-teen and teenage years was Alice Smith. She was a Sunday school teacher as well as leader of what was then called Christian Endeavor, an organization similar to youth groups today. Ours was an all girl group. She taught us well. Though it might not show up in our lives the way it should, it steered us in the right direction!"

Me and Grammie:

21 more questions to follow! Stay tuned for topics like: How Grammie and Grampie met, quilting, gardening, tackling laundry for a family of  8, cooking, recipes, funny stories and more!


  1. Replies
    1. I thought you might. I could photo copy the "interview" if you would like a copy.

  2. What a great idea!! I love her already!!!

    1. Oh my goodness you would LOVE her! She is amazing!

  3. I'll paint for you and you can fold my laundry :p

    1. I'll take you up on that! When we redo that back room you're hired!
