
Farming Family

Friday, August 16, 2013

Off the Deep End

So here it is, 6:30 A.M. I have been up since 5:00 A.M. What has been on my mind since I woke up?(and the last few days?) SCALLOPS!!!!! For real, I was just looking at recipes for "healthy scallops" and the more I searched the more obvious it was- I simply just have to have them, today!! It's a good thing I'm getting groceries today lol. Can a pregnant woman have more than one craving at a time? Or maybe I finally lost my last marble? Because I still want my salad too, of course.
   Thing is, I want to cook them with out batter and frying them, which is the only way I remember ever having them. I will have to post about when I make it! I can taste them already, mmmm.
(Google Images)
I am most certain I shall perish if I don't get some soon, I mean, just look at them!!
 It will be a crazy day today, so I will post as soon as I can. I hope you all have a great day, and be sure to eat your scallops-or I will lol!


  1. I have been eating scallops and lobster in the last two years and the other day I had white perch. I always liked scallops though...probably because they are more sweet and less "fishy".
