
Farming Family

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The great hunter...

June has been pretty busy lately. Last week she went out to the raspberry patch with me and caught mice while I picked berries. One day she caught three of them in a half an hour! And then a couple weeks ago, a weasel got into our chicken pen and killed two meat birds. Then next evening, thanks to June, the weasel was laid out by the front steps! She is quick!
   I was lucky enough to get her latest catch on camera.
Yup, it's a loooong green snake. She saw me on the steps then brought it over for me to see. It was a little bigger than I prefer to handle *eew* but I told her she did a good job:)

Here she has the snake in the grass in front of her. She looks proud:)


  1. Maybe I should borrow her to guard my chickens!
    Good thing I talked you into that dog huh? ;p

    1. Haha. I don't know if she will catch a fox... Yeah she is the best lil dog <3 still gets into the trash once in a while though, the little bugger!!!!!!!

  2. If you put a rubber snake in the mail box she will bring you the mail HAHA

    1. I would totally do that! If I didn't need all the walking exercise I can get to keep the lard off my rear lol!
