
Farming Family

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Project up date

I've finally finished my recipe binder!!!!! So excited to snap some pics and show you guys! (I know, I'm kind of a nerd, getting all excited about something so silly lol)*shrug*. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, and besides it taking for-ev-er to get the supplies, I actually enjoyed putting it together. And now I don't have file card boxes and piles and loose recipes everywhere! I kept two cook books that mean a lot to me and the rest are destined for the give away pile. *happy sigh* Less is more. (More sanity and less lost time searching for recipes, that is.)  
  I don't know what it is about binder projects lately, but I thought of another one I'd like to start. Get this, I want to make: an Organizing Binder. lol. Yup, I'm a lost cause. I'll share more on that once I can get the ball rolling.
   Nursery update: My younger brother the Gardener helped by pulling up all the staples left in the floor from the carpet we took out. Thank you!!!!! That was such a HUGE help, since Darlin has been working on cutting wood, and fire wood, animals, vehicles, etc. And since I'm pushing nine months, if I spent that much time crawling around on the floor with a hammer, I probably wouldn't be able to get up lol. Anyway, My mother-in-love picked up some wooden letters that I will stain to go on the wall (they spell Jackson). And very soon the floor will go in. It is exciting to see it coming together.
Well, that's all for now folks. Hope you have a great afternoon!
Google Images

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thought for the day

Ever wonder why lasagna noodles aren't made to fit in a 9"x13" pan???? Sheesh!
Google Images

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Dusting Tips

Dust can make a room look filthy in a hurry, even if it's not very cluttered. I know freshly dusted surfaces are not on the top of most of our to-do lists, or even something most of us think about. But I thought I'd share a few tips that work for me and a few that just seem logical to make the job a little easier.:)

  • Less is more.-I find that I'm more inclined to dust if I know it won't take me but a few seconds on each surface. At first I had every nick knack that so and so gave us, plus pictures and framed quotes on every piece of furniture with a flat surface. Not to mention the creeping clutter that finds its way in little piles here and there. So, I decided to downsize on the nick knacks, keeping only the things that I really enjoyed and/or had "real" sentimental value. By "real" sentimental value, I mean the things that I want to keep because it is special to me, not just because I "have" to keep it. Also, I try to keep the clutter minimal. 
  • Display your trinkets in a china cabinet or glass case; to minimize the need to dust them and to eliminate the tediousness of moving and dusting each one on everyday surfaces. 
  • I believe having a place for pocket clutter is key. I soon plan to get a small basket with a lid to contain all of Darling's pocket stuff (wallet, receipts, change, bolts, screws, etc.) And I'm going to place it near where he already dumps his stuff, so he will be more likely to use it. Then I plan on going through it once in a while, throwing out garbage, filing receipts, etc. so that it doesn't overflow onto the surfaces around it. 
  • Try to hang up as many of your pictures as you can. I tried this and I'm happy with the results. If you have lots of pictures, maybe you could dedicate a wall in your house as a "picture wall". My Grammie has lots of pictures of family and most of them she hangs in her hallway which would otherwise be "dead space". I had some in various places and found that when I didn't have to move six frames to "swipe" a surface, it happens more often.
  • Desks- It can be a pain to dust your desk/work area if it always has piles of papers and all sorts of pens, scissors, markers, dirty coffee cups and dishes and the like all over it. (Not to mention, you'll be less likely to finish up that project or write that letter). Using a pencil cup to contain pens, rulers and such will help clear the space and make things easier to find. When you get up to do something else, take your dishes and wrappers with you! Most likely you will go by the sink anyway, and if not, it only takes a second! Sort your papers and set up an easy to follow filing system. Then if not immediately, you should try to at least file your papers weekly. With our farm business, we have to keep track of what we spend and earn separately from household expenses for tax purposes. Which mean lots of receipts to file. I usually make a little pile on my desk and then once a week or so I sort and file them away.
  • Keep some cleaner of your choice and a cloth handy. I just keep some vinegar mixed with water under the kitchen sink for dusting the house and wiping the table/counters. But if you have a separate room for your office and you are in there a lot you may want to keep a small bottle of solution and a rag in a drawer of your desk.
That's all I have on that for now.
  The nursery is going well. I finished painting the walls and trim, replaced the outlet covers and picked out flooring yesterday! I can't wait until it is all done! I think I'm a little jealous, the baby's room is looking better than mine and he isn't even here yet lol. Maybe that could be an anniversary present next!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Who doesn't LOVE pumpkin??? I love pumpkin anything! I've had Tim Horton's pumpkin cappuccino, and McDonald's pumpkin spice latte, and I love them both. Too bad they don't have them year round!
So, if you're having a down day, need a "pick me up", or just need something good, pick yourself up something hot and pumpkin-y today! (You won't regret it) :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

So Sad

Sad news-our digital camera died!!!! (Yup, I must have broke it lol). Actually, Darlin said he dropped it a week ago, and it hasn't been working right since. Now it has totally quit. It's not reading info right, the functions are all messed up and everything. So, that means, No picture taking for the blog!!!!!!! Ugh! Just when I was finally finishing up my projects to share! But since it is a "old" camera, we can get the same thing off Ebay for about $75. It just isn't on our priority list right now lol. If I can figure out the lil camcorder I might be able to use that, I think it takes still pictures.
 Anyway, today's to-dos:

  • Finish painting nursery
  • Stain/paint trim boards
  • Clean windows/remove label adhesive
  • Replace all the outlet covers (took them off to paint)
Then of course there is also:
  • Feed the animals
  • Feed the people
  • Dishes
  • Put away laundry
Darlin and his Dad have been cutting wood and hauling it with the skidder. They cut over a truck load yesterday! Busy like beavers!
 As I'm sitting here typing, my lazy dog is curled up in the big chair behind me, yawing and groaning lol. She has gone from being an energetic little puppy to the epitome of laziness! Most days she just lays around and follows me from room to room, flopping onto the floor to snooze while I work on something haha.
 Well, I hope you have a good day! Stay warm!

Monday, October 21, 2013

My Christmas Binder

This is the Christmas binder I've put together to help me stay on track this year, and to make the holiday madness easier with a newborn in tow. Hope you enjoy, and maybe it will help you out too.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday This and That

Breakfast: Coffee, eggs, home grown breakfast ham and heart-shaped biscuits

 When I got groceries yesterday, I went to Staples and picked up some special sheet protectors to finish my cook book. Also went to A.C. Moore's and got paper for my Christmas binder, and stickers for the cook book cover.

After church we went to Ma and Pa Osgood's and had lobstah that Gramp Smith bought. Then, we all went inside and relaxed in the living room, falling asleep to the afternoon football games. After enjoying some fresh baked cookies, it was time to head back over the hills to do evening chores.
 Hope you had a nice and relaxing day!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Hello. Yes, I'm still alive. Here's a summary of what's been happening:

~Sibling visits and apple pie baking

 ~Pig watching
 ~Oops, got caught taking pictures lol.
 ~Sold the tractor. This is the newest farm edition: Timber Jack Skidder
 ~Cups of herbal tea

 ~Bugaboo the baby goat
 ~Mamma Ivy
 ~Nursery in progress, testing out the green

 ~Cuddling and watching Veggie Tales; The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

Washing and sorting baby clothes
Boxing and labeling the larger sizes
Menu/meal planning
Organizing the "pantry"
Putting together a Christmas binder
Organizing all my recipes
Day dreaming about wearing "real" clothes again lol

I hope to follow up with some posts on my organizing projects, and of course the nursery. I sometimes forget to take "before" pictures of what I'm working on. Which I kick myself for because I think one of the coolest things about seeing what someone else does is the "before" and "after". So, I'm going to try to get better at grabbing the camera first. He,he. Also, declaring war on clutter. And so far the kitchen is staying pretty clear of it. My biggest problem is that I don't yet have a place for everything-so I'm doing just that. If I can't find a place for it, and/or I know I wouldn't use it even if it had one, it's out of here. Storage is another culprit. We do have decent space to store what we need, but are lacking shelving, in my opinion. We have no shelving in the basement yet, one shelf in the "guest room" closet (that is being used to full capacity) and two small book cases downstairs. Hopefully soon we can put some more shelving in. The process of de-cluttering is simple enough: 
1. downsize, get rid of unneeded/unused items 
2. contain "loose" items 
3. organize for easy access/clean up
Simple, yes-in idea. But it can be a lengthy process, takes time, money and some creativity(ha!). And some where to put all the stuff you want to keep when you're done! (Like shelves!) Not to mention, that in reality, you will never be completely done! You will always have the well meaning(?) friends, family and neighbors who feel like you really need all of their purged stuff too. And the fact that the longer you live, the bigger your family gets, the more material things your home will accumulate. But with out a plan, and place to keep these "treasures", you can quickly become overwhelmed with stuff.
     I'm not talking about spending a fortune on fancy gizmos, Elfa storage units from the Container Store, adding on to the house, etc. I'm into simple. I want to find things when I need them, know what I have/ what I need (like kitchen inventory) and be able to keep things some-what neat so I can relax and invest in what matters most in this life-people, family, friends, neighbors, loved ones etc.Our lives weren't meant to revolve around material things. 
 Any way, sorry about the rant lol. 
Other news.... I've had a cold for over three weeks now, I think it's finally on its way out! Up all night most nights with heartburn, a kicking baby, leg cramps, hip pain and just plain insomnia. I'll be honest: I'm sick of being pregnant!!!! Yes, of course I love baby Jackson, and I'm excited to meet him! It's just after 8 months of this pregnancy thing, I'm ready to carry this kid in my ARMS, not seemingly with every muscle in my back! 8 Weeks to go.....Bring it on! lol.
 I hope you have a great evening! "See" you soon!