
Farming Family

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

It's More Than That

Modern evangelical Christianity has essentially watered down what it means to be Christian into a little prayer that "only takes five minutes of your time". Is this really it? Is that all it is about? A prayer, and now you have your ticket to Heaven because you profess the name of Christ? So you've had an experience, felt the emotional high of "coming to Christ", but what about your every day life? Do you habitually lie? What about your attitude? Are you impatient and berate and holler at loved ones or the guy that cut you off in traffic? What happens when you are in town when the whole world seems to be there, you have to park way across the parking lot, shuffle your cranky, screaming kids through the store as fast as you can, only to get back to the car, buckle your kids in and realize- that little, .50 cent bottle of paint rolling around in the bottom of the cart didn't go through the check out? No one has a clue you didn't pay for it.......

The hard question: Are you really a new creature???

  I'd like to share a video with you about examining the "sinner's prayer" against what Scripture says. This is the truth, and it may scare you-and that might not be a bad thing if it does, depending on what you do with the information. I truly hope that you watch it all the way through.
 Here is Paul Washer:

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