
Farming Family

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Things I Have Learned

Just a little post on a few things I have learned so far in married life, as well as life in general...

  • Shoe goo gets it done when you need to fix a leaky sink pipe while Prince charming is out. The threads wore out on the part that connects the pipe to the sink.                                                           
  • Messes, laundry and dirty toilets do happen, even with only two people ;-)
  • Goats are labeled ornery for a very good reason. Like when they faithfully kick over the milk pail again and again and again...even with their feet tied down.
  • Cooking for two is an adventure, especially when you are used to cooking for twelve. You just simply can't cook the same way and eat Everything before it goes bad,(unless you're pregnant) and if your freezer is full, you're bummin. Here is a link to a great site that has neat ideas... I will have to do a future post on cooking for two.
  • In a lot of ways, puppies are much like small children. If they are quiet, you'd better see what they are up to! You have to potty train them (may I insert here, that when you are house breaking a puppy, if you have a closed in porch, make sure you take them through BOTH doors, even if the outside door is open! I know, DUH, right?) They teethe too, and find your hairbrush the perfect thing to cut teeth on.
  • You know you're "country" when you are disappointed about your puppy ruining your $3 flip-flops that you've had for three years, after all, next to your muck boots they are your "best" casual shoes!!!! So instead of tossing them out, you fix them with fishin line:-)
  • When one chicken "disappears" six return in three days.  
  • Crock pots and vacuums are must haves in this day and age, especially when you are outside most of the time, and have two dogs and a husband to cleanup after. lol
  • Dogs make good scrap-umes in the kitchen (they even eat green beans!)
  • Raspberry jam is a breakfast hero when it comes to fried ham *yummy!*
  • With pigs, nothing goes to waste.
  • Food really does taste better when you grow and cook it yourself.
  • A certain sense of satisfaction and "security" finds you when you have jars and jars of home canned goods. 
Well, that's all for now, "see" you next time!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

This is WAR!!!

That's it! I've had it and I'm packing!!! (packing my dishes that is) Ok, so here's the scoop; I have this little problem when it comes to my dishes. I like to call it procrastination, however, it may more accurately be labeled -Laziness-. Whichever the case, it has come to an end!  So, Joe and I tend to grab a glass out of the cabinet every time we want a drink, (hey, who has time to look for that glass they left in the other room? Lol) If there were only, say four in there, we would have to look for our last drinking vessel, right? That means even if we dirtied every one we had I still would only be washing four at the end of the day. Genius!!!! *ahem* I've boxed up all but four coffee cups, glasses, large and small plates. You wouldn't believe the room in my cupboards now!!! I can safely open a door with out first trying to remember if my life insurance policy covers death from clutter, or if it would be considered suicide! After all, in all seriousness here, Less is More right?

AAAhhhhhh! isn't that better?!

Well, that's all for now, I'm gonna make lasagna for supper. Future post: Things I've learned.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Vegetable stand!

Hello! Just a little note this morning. I've been selling some veggies, goat milk soap, and a few canned goods at our little stand by the post office this week. I've set up twice, this past Saturday and today. We made as much selling things in a total of eight hours as I make part time at the store in a week!!!! (Too bad veggie stands don't exactly work in the Winter! lol) Our corn is almost ready, we hope the coons aren't looking :- )

Monday, August 13, 2012


Joe helped me with loading on pictures!  This is one my sister Mary took when she and the little kids came to spend the night a couple weeks ago. She has such a talent! She captured things I never would have noticed! The sun is shining after a few days of much needed rain. Our garden and pasture needed it!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Maybe tonight or tomorrow Joe can help me put pictures on here, it would be a lot more interesting!


Hello! Just wanted to let you know i'm on here, and I'm tryig to fiure this all out, it's been a while!! lol ~p.s. the time is messed up! I was sound asleep at three this mornin! It says pacific daylight time and I can't get it to change, ugh!