
Farming Family

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Right around Christmas, Poopie brought this mink over to Darlin' when he went outside. This is the second one (that we know of) that she's caught. Good dog. She keeps our chickens safe. I still have the old bitties that free range. They stay huddled up in the barn with straw most of the time now (I don't blame them!). A couple years ago we lost one chicken to the coons. The dog comes in with us at night, so she couldn't protect them. I guess a real homestead dog would stay outdoors all night, but Poopie is more of a pet than a work dog. 

 Little Boy was trying to lug a chair down from the livingroom into the kitchen and I couldn't figure out why. I kept saying "No, you're going to fall." He was getting mad, and I couldn't fathom what the fascination was with the chair all of a sudden. Then I looked out in the kitchen and Big Boy had pulled a chair up to the stove. Now it all made sense. Poor Little Boy. He was just trying to copy his brother and I was telling him ''no''. Once we straightened that out, I carried the chair out for him and he was happy as a clam.
 I had unknowingly dumped a bag of pellets into the stove that had some clumps in it and it was making the fire smolder. So I had to grab my wash tub and scoop them all out one "gallon" at a time 'till I found all the clumps. The boys could smell fun a mile away. They came out to the kitchen so quick, with trucks and scoops and their new excavator from Uncle Chance. I thought "why not?"

 I'm not sure why the sitting in tubs of small, dry objects is so irresistible.

 Eating popcorn and watching Veggietales on JellyTelly,courtesy of Gran-Gran.
The view the morning of this picture was breath taking! It was right after freezing rain followed by a dusting of snow. These pictures don't do it justice! The sunrise on the ice covered branches was GLORIOUS! I do not comprehend how people can see such beauty and say there is no God.

More pictures and posts to come! Have a great day everyone!

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