
Farming Family

Sunday, July 30, 2017

I'm In For It

Too long between posts. I seem to say that often, don't I? Sorry about that. Well, I just put up question 6 in the interview series. Now for a snippet about what we've been up to:

My adorable little niece, visiting at Gran-Grans
Darlin' made Little Boy a paper bag monster costume, he loved it! Big Boy thought it was cool, so he got one too!
The old one-bottom plow just behind the garden.

Little Boy (affectionately known as "Lemmels") playing monster truck at the picnic table.
Independence Day! Nana, Auntie  Kaelie, Keenan and Darlin' enjoying the fire.

Uncle Jay driving some golf balls
Darlin', playing with the fire.
Some fireworks!
Pretty wands from Gran-Gran
Uncle Chance taking Big Boy for a four wheeler ride! Aunt Foofie helping with his helmet.

Good people eating a lunch of BBQ chicken, hot dogs, baked beans and an array of salads.
Friends and family!
Aunt Foofie giving Big Boy and the two little nieces a wagon ride.
Lemmels and Belle-Belle playing in the garden
Uncle Pat-Pat, takin' 5.
A little "Pickin' and Grinnin' by the fire, waiting for it to get dark enough for fireworks.
Gump and my coolest nephew ever....(so far?-Hint hint Kaelie and Elise!)

Gram Osgood, having a good ol' time!

Our little tadpoles turned into little frogs. We got back from church a few weeks ago and one of them had jumped out, and I couldn't find it! Poor little guy, I felt so bad. So we all went down to the pond and let them go that night. It was a fun project, and I think the boys will be really excited to do it again next year now that they know what's going on!
I also have Homecoming pictures to post soon. Hope you all have a good day!


  1. That was a fun party! Thanks for having it!

    1. Thanks for coming! We had a good time with everyone!

    2. Wait a minute...when you said hint hint Kaelie and elise, did that mean Kealie is pregnant again?:O that would be so cool!
